Welcome To The MAP Newsletter

    The official newsletter of the International Society for Medical Publication Professionals

ISMPP Highlights

ISMPP Committee Spotlight: Annual Meeting Program Committee

ISMPP Committee Spotlight: Annual Meeting Program Committee

ISMPP’s Annual Meeting Program Committee is tasked with the development and implementation of ISMPP’s Annual Meetings. This year’s Annual Meeting, Medical Publications in a Data-Rich World: Enhancing Quality and Transparency, highlighted the increasing transparency...

Rob Matheis

Message from Our Leadership

Robert J. Matheis
ISMPP President and CEO

News and Trends


Think and Act Globally When It Comes to Publication Planning

Think and Act Globally When It Comes to Publication Planning

Patients have common and unique needs throughout the world. Global publication planning and execution is critical to ensure relevant data are available to health care providers (HCPs). Publication planning professionals need to be in lockstep with international colleagues to make sure publication plans are prepared and executed in an inclusive manner…

Let’s Take It From the Top: A View into Video Abstracts 

Let’s Take It From the Top: A View into Video Abstracts 

Interest in video abstracts accompanying published manuscripts has been growing among authors and pharmaceutical company sponsors of clinical trials over the past few years. Video abstracts offer potential benefits by allowing the authors to introduce study information in a visual format, and possibly include additional study information in a video…

Plagiarism Takes Center Stage in Annals Letter

Plagiarism Takes Center Stage in Annals Letter

Plagiarism in scientific literature took center stage in a harrowing letter published in Annals of Internal Medicine on December 13, 2016. The letter, penned by researcher Michael Dansinger, MD, was directed to the individual who had admitted to unethically stealing and publishing Dansinger’s work as his own…

What Would You Do?

In our role as medical publication professionals, we may occasionally encounter situations in which it is not obvious how to ensure good publication practice. Have you ever wished you could consult the ISMPP membership for guidance when these situations arise? Here’s your opportunity!

What Would You Do? is a section of The MAP that presents case scenarios as an educational tool for medical publication professionals. The section provides a case scenario to ponder, and readers are invited to participate in a poll by selecting one of the listed solutions. Readers can also submit their thoughts on the scenario anonymously. The poll results, plus educational insights, are posted in a later issue for readers to digest.

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ISMPP (pronounced IzMap) is the only nonprofit organization founded by medical publication professionals for medical publication professionals