ISMPP Highlights
ISMPP Member Publications and Presentations
ISMPP is pleased to share information about a journal editor survey conducted by Medical Publishing Insights & Practices (MPIP), the recent release of COMPare study results, and the 26 posters from the 2019 European Meeting of ISMPP…
Exciting News from The MAP Working Group
The MAP Working Group is excited to introduce “What Would You Do?” an engaging and interactive poll now available in The MAP newsletter. All readers are welcome to participate! “What Would You Do?” presents case scenarios as an educational opportunity…
2019 European Meeting of ISMPP: Attendees Now Fit for the Future
With a program that harmonized with its meeting theme – Scientific Communications in a Fast-Paced World: Fighting Fit for the Future, the 2019 European Meeting of ISMPP offered a forward-thinking experience…
Message from Our Leadership
Robert J. Matheis
ISMPP President and CEO
News and Trends
The Year in Review/The Year Ahead
“The Year in Review/The Year Ahead” is designed to spotlight notable topics in 2018 and assess potential impact for the coming year. The topics were suggested by The MAP Working Group, then matched with subject matter experts. Commentary and perspective clarify each topic, offer insight into the practical implications…
A Renewed Focus on Author Disclosures in Biomedical Journals
On September 8, 2018, the New York Times, in collaboration with ProPublica, a nonprofit investigative journalism group, reported that a leading oncologist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) in New York had failed to report financial relationships with multiple pharmaceutical companies…
Best Practices for Effective Publication Manager/Vendor Partnerships
The partnership between the pharmaceutical industry and one or more medical communication agencies is an important relationship and a common one in the development and execution of publication plans. For the industry and agency professionals involved in these partnerships, there is a…
What Would You Do?
In our role as medical publication professionals, we may occasionally encounter situations in which it is not obvious how to ensure good publication practice. Have you ever wished you could consult the ISMPP membership for guidance when these situations arise? Here’s your opportunity!
What Would You Do? is a section of The MAP that presents case scenarios as an educational tool for medical publication professionals. The section provides a case scenario to ponder, and readers are invited to participate in a poll by selecting one of the listed solutions. Readers can also submit their thoughts on the scenario anonymously. The poll results, plus educational insights, are posted in a later issue for readers to digest.
POLL RESULTS: Manuscript Review by Non-English-Speaking Authors Raises Concerns
You are providing medical writing support on a manuscript for which all non-industry authors are from a non-English-speaking country. The manuscript is written in English, but it is clear from the kick-off call that very few of the non-industry authors have a good understanding of English…
ISMPP (pronounced IzMap) is the only nonprofit organization founded by medical publication professionals for medical publication professionals