May 30, 2018 | News and Trends
Molly E. Hoke, PhD, ISMPP CMPP™ Data transparency is a frequently mentioned and is a passionately discussed topic of relevance to, and has implications for, any publications professional working today in the world of clinical trial data generation and dissemination....
May 16, 2018 | News and Trends
Susan C. Scott, Scott Pharma Solutions Ltd, Ashwell, UK While there are many factors, such as author selection, full disclosure and acknowledgement, and data access, that are common to planning any publication,1,2 different issues arise when managing a publication...
Apr 18, 2018 | News and Trends
Beatrix Doerr, DVM, PhD, Coriuvar Consulting; Gillian Pritchard, MSc, MRCP, MFPM, MBA, Sylexis Ltd The medical device industry is similar, and yet different, to the pharmaceutical industry with regards to medical writing. While publications and presentations follow...
Mar 14, 2018 | News and Trends
Jodi Cusack, Oxford PharmaGenesis, Oxford, UK; Tim Koder, Oxford PharmaGenesis, Oxford, UK; Sara Schroter, The BMJ, London, UK Peer review has been described as “a process in which academic research is subjected to critical evaluation by other academics. More...
Feb 14, 2018 | News and Trends
Liz Bilodeau, Copyright Clearance Center; Miriam Gitler, PhD, ELS, MedImmune; Sharon Suntag, MS, CMPP, IQVIA The work of publication professionals depends on the exchange of copyrighted material. Medical publication professionals use the work of others when emailing...
Jan 30, 2018 | News and Trends
Lisa Moore, PhD, ISMPP CMPPTM; Karen King, PhD, ISMPP CMPPTM; Jason Gardner, PhD, ISMPP CMPPTM, of Complete Medical Communications, a McCann Health Company, UK There is an expectation that pharmaceutical companies should responsibly share the data that are generated...