From January 23-24, ISMPP members gathered together in London for two days of collaboration, networking, learning and sharing. The 2024 European Meeting welcomed a record-high number of attendees with 395 industry professionals gathering at Novotel London West and 155 of those attendees participating in this meeting for their first time!
The European Meeting theme was Innovation: The New Tradition, discussing the new innovations that have been introduced into our industry along with the existing high standards, principles, processes and ethics that are entwined in the more traditional ideas. Sessions explored how to incorporate innovation while maintaining the high standard of checks and balances that are already in place. This article shares highlights and photos from the 2024 European Meeting.
Attendees, and those who did not attend, have several options to explore the sessions and member research posters at the 2024 European Meeting:
- The Publication Plan has posted 2024 European Meeting reports from Day 1 and Day 2 on its website. Thank You Very Much to ISMPP’s Media Partner for the 2024 European Meeting!
- ISMPP members can access Session Slide Decks approved for posting by presenters and Member Research Posters in PDF format in the 2024 European Meeting Archive, which is now posted on ISMPP’s eLearn platform.
“As a first-timer, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, but I thought every aspect of the programme – the sessions, the posters, the exhibitors – was excellent and added huge value to the overall experience. I already find our industry endlessly fascinating, but the ISMPP meeting has thoroughly renewed my enthusiasm and broadened my horizons!”
~2024 European Meeting participant
Keynote Speaker: Humanizing A.I. & Building Trust
Nell Watson, IEEE Ethics Maestro, delivered a captivating keynote about the evolving world of AI and the ethical considerations that come with it to ensure that technology serves the greater good, for individuals and society alike. Thank you IQVIA for sponsoring the keynote speaker.

In honour of our esteemed faculty for the 2024 European Meeting, ISMPP is proud to donate to Great Ormond Street Charity to support Great Ormond Street Hospital and give seriously ill children the best chance for life.
Poster Winners!
Showcasing the latest member research, 39 scientific posters were available for viewing online and on display at the meeting. Congratulations to the winners of the poster awards: Most Reflective of Meeting Theme, Best Original Research, and People’s Choice.

With Great Appreciation!
We extend a heartfelt thank you to the 2024 European Meeting Programme Committee – and to Eleanor Raynsford, Chair, and Matthew Booth, Vice-Chair, of the 2024 Programme Committee – for their leadership in developing highly-regarded content for medical communication professionals in an interactive setting.
In addition, a special appreciation is due to Kevin Lewis and Sharon Willis from the ISMPP Educational Content team, Deidra Renahan, for her meeting management, and the entire ISMPP staff for their meeting support.

We are very grateful to our exhibitors for their valued support of the 2024 European Meeting! We appreciate your contributions to make this meeting a success.

A Sincere Thank You to our Elite Sponsors that registered 5 or more staff members from their company to attend the European Meeting.

Thank you to our remaining sponsors for their contributions toward a successful meeting.

“Despite having been a pubs professional for over 20 years this was my first opportunity to attend ISMPP. It was quite an emotional experience spending two days talking about ‘my’ industry. I’ve come away with new perspectives and insights into the Agency-Pharma-Publisher triad.”
~2024 European Meeting participant
Mark Your Calendar for the Upcoming Annual Meeting!
- 20th Annual Meeting of ISMPP, April 29-May 1, 2024, Washington, D.C.