ISMPP is honored to be featured in an upcoming episode of Advancements with Ted Danson, scheduled for broadcast in 1Q 2022. The Advancements television segment will present information about the medical publications profession and ISMPP’s role in establishing and maintaining standards for the profession.

Through interviews with experts in the profession, as well as information shared in the episode, the Advancements segment will:

  • Describe the medical publications profession to a broad, interested audience
  • Discuss the standards and best practices championed and adopted by the profession
  • Explore educational offerings, in particular ISMPP’s Certified Medical Publication Professional™ (CMPP™) program, that validate a professional’s skills, expertise, and integrity in medical publications     

“In our current environment, medical publication professionals are faced with an unprecedented responsibility to work diligently with our collaborators in ensuring that medical research is accurately represented and broadly available in medical journals,” explained ISMPP President and CEO Robert J. Matheis. “ISMPP provides a foundation to guide the medical publishing profession and support optimal patient care.”

ISMPP is pleased to spotlight the medical publications profession in the Advancements series, which reaches approximately 100 million subscribers in the US and is distributed internationally via Voice of America. This educational series, with its award-winning writers and producers, is dedicated to exploring the latest innovations and significant issues impacting society.

VIEW the press release issued by Advancements and DMG Productions on October 15, 2021. For more information about Advancements with Ted Danson, visit