ISMPP is honored to have the opportunity to sponsor the next iteration of the Good Publication Practice (GPP) guidelines, an industry-leading document to guide the ethical development of medical publications. Development of the GPP4 guidelines is now well underway, with a Steering Committee established and working steadily on revisions to the guidance.

The principal objective in updating the guidelines will be to address key evolving areas within medical publications. The GPP4 Steering Committee serves as an independent body with responsibility for the content development and update of the guidelines. The Steering Committee is also committed to keeping the ISMPP membership informed of its progress and to seeking efficiencies in development. A Twitter hashtag – #GPP4 – is available to share topic areas for possible inclusion in the updated guidelines.

GPP4 will serve as a critical document that guides best practices and standards for the medical publication profession. Its importance has evolved and grown since the original GPP guidelines were published in 2003, through to the current GPP3 guidelines published in 2015. These previous versions have had widespread utilization worldwide. GPP3 was translated into the Japanese and Chinese languages to build greater awareness in the Asia Pacific region.

A call for reviewers of the updated guidelines will be forthcoming. The GPP4 Steering Committee is hopeful that a good number of ISMPP members will contribute as reviewers.