ISMPP is pleased to announce two projects undertaken by the Advocacy & Outreach (A&O) Committee: one is an Educational Slide Library covering medical publication topics, and the other is Informational Webinars for those located in Europe and the Asia Pacific region.

Educational Slide Library Covers Various Topics

The Educational Slide Library was created by the Medical Societies/Academic Centers workstream of the A&O Committee for use by ISMPP presenters in covering various medical publication topics – Good Publication Practice 3 (GPP3) guidelines, data and financial transparency, predatory journals, and authorship – as well as a module on further sources of educational material related to medical publications. The plan is to utilize the Slide Library for educational presentations at meetings/webinars held by medical societies, such as the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and American Urological Association (AUA), and academic centers. ISMPP members can access the Educational Slide Library in the Member Center section of ISMPP’s website.

Special thanks to the following members of the A&O Medical Societies/Academic Centers workstream who were involved in developing the Educational Slide Library: Tom Grant, John (Zeke) Czekanski, Jim Loss, Rosie Lynch, Jessica Deckman, and Kimberly Marino.

Informational Webinars for Europe and Asia Pacific

The A&O Committee recently introduced periodic ISMPP Informational Webinars for members and non-members located in Europe and the Asia Pacific region. The webinars aim to share worthwhile information about the Society and focus on:

  • What can ISMPP do for members?
  • Why engage with ISMPP?
  • Areas of scrutiny in publications practice and guidelines that address practice challenges
  • ISMPP CMPP™ Certification

ISMPP members can access the slides from the Asia Pacific webinar on April 25, 2019, and the Europe webinar on March 20, 2019, in the ISMPP Informational Webinars section of the Archives.

A recent webinar was also held in collaboration with the Asia Pacific Program Committee that presented program information for the 2019 Asia Pacific Meeting of ISMPP, September 6, in Tokyo, Japan. A recording of this webinar is available to the public at

Our appreciation to the A&O Regional Organizations workstream members who contributed to the webinars:

Europe Workstream – Tanya Brinsden, Gary Dever, Laura McGovern, and Cai Price

Asia Pacific Workstream – Tanya Brinsden, Keyur Brahmbhatt, Greta Ge, Joseline Ojaimi, and Yoshiko Okamoto