ISMPP is pleased to share information about publications on ghostwriting, authorship practices for medical writers, and publication ethics; an article on patient centricity; an extension of the CONSORT 2010 Statement for reporting multi-arm trials; and the 49 posters from the 15th Annual Meeting of ISMPP.

Ghostwriting, Authorship Practices for Medical Writers, and Publication Ethics

Three publications addressed the ever-present topics of ghostwriting, authorship practices related to medical writers, and publication ethics. These publications originated from ISMPP Ethics and Standards Committee activities.

  • “Ghostwriting in biomedicine: a review of the published literature” was published online in Current Medical Research and Opinion (CMRO) in April 2019. The publication authors include these current ISMPP members: Lisa DeTora, Dikran Toroser, and Ellen Baum. Click here to access the publication.
  • “Substantial contribution and accountability: best authorship practices for medical writers in biomedical publications” was published in CMRO in April 2018. All the publication authors are ISMPP members: Angela Stocks, Donna Simcoe, Dikran Toroser, and Lisa DeTora. Click here to access the publication.
  • “Publication ethics from the ground up” was published in the International Journal of Clinical Practice (IJCP) in February 2018. All the publication authors are ISMPP members: Lisa DeTora, Cate Foster, Mukund Nori, Donna Simcoe, Catherine Skobe, and Dikran Toroser. Click here to access the publication.

Patient Centricity is Focus of PMLiVE Article

An article titled, “From lay summaries to patient engagement programmes: how patient-centricity is finally becoming a reality,” was published in PMLiVE in April 2019. The article outlined the European Medicines Agency (EMA) requirements for lay summaries and shared session discussions from the recent European Meeting of ISMPP, January 22-23, 2019, in London, related to lay summaries and patient engagement. The article was authored by Laura McGovern and Dan Bridges. Click here to view the article.

For Your Information: Extension of CONSORT 2010 Statement for Multi-Arm Trials

A publication titled, “Reporting of multi-arm parallel-group randomized trials: extension of the CONSORT 2010 Statement,” presented an extension to the CONSORT 2010 Statement specific to the reporting of multi-arm trials. Published in JAMA in April 2019, the publication provides guidance for the reporting of multi-arm parallel-group randomized clinical trials and aims to “help provide greater transparency and accuracy in the reporting of such trials.” Recommendations include that “multi-arm trials should be identified as such and require clear objectives and hypotheses referring to all of the treatment groups.” Click here to access the publication.

49 Posters Presented at the 15th Annual Meeting of ISMPP

ISMPP members presented 49 posters at the 15th Annual Meeting of ISMPP, April 15-17, 2019, covering such topical areas as authorship, enhanced communication, patient engagement, plain language summaries, and open access. ISMPP members can access the posters in the 15th Annual Meeting Archive on ISMPP’s website. The abstracts were published as a supplement in Current Medical Research and Opinion (CMRO) on April 14, 2019.

1 Authorship trends from the top 25 pharma companies: non-company authors lead the way Nicole Naccara, Wil Glass, Dyann C. Mazzeo, Mazen Saeed, Jeri Freeman, Cynthia A. Nediyakalayil, and Germaine D. Agollah
2 Considerations in identifying author candidates for scientific publications Marissa L. Buttaro, Diane Fudyma, Melissa S. McGrath, and Laura A. Carlson
3 Perceptions regarding author affiliation on the credibility of scientific articles Fran Young, David Gothard, Eric Southam, and Roseanne Girnary
4 Is it time we considered the value of digital influencers for publication planning activities? Jeff Ruoss, Stefan Kolata, Jeremy Gerrard, Owen Murray, and Stephen Douthwaite
Contemporary Topics
5 Comparison of different student rotations in a medical communications agency: case study reports Myka Ababon, Gary Burd, Michele Springer, Anuksha Sumar, and Stacey Reeber
6 Dissent from the mundane: an analysis of nonconformist publications Jenna Lewis, Todd Parker, Ted Stanek, and Steven Palmisano
7 Does contribution to scientific technical and journal articles correlate with big data indices of social well-being? Gary Burd, Jackie Marchington, and Robert Coover
8 Factors that influence journal editors’ acceptance or rejection of manuscript submissions Frank J. Rodino, Sandra Westra, Kamely Hayes, and Kait Gilleran
9 Health policy and the role of industry-sponsored medical publications Adam Watson, Angela Sykes, LaVerne Mooney, Gina Williams, and Catherine Skobe
10 Literature exploration analysis with artificial intelligence – validation and efficacy of an in-house tool Kaushik Subramanian, Amit Bhat, Antony Prabhu, Bhuma Vedantam, and Imaad Khan
11 Moving beyond peer-review: what healthcare professionals value in scientific publications Wil Glass, Julie Dela Cruz, William Kim, Jeri Freeman, Cynthia A. Nediyakalayil, and Monica R.P. Elmore
12 Reach and impact of pharmaceutical industry-affiliated preprints, and subsequent peer‑reviewed publications* Gina D’Angelo, David Gothard, Lisa Law, Valérie Philippon, Eric Southam, Susan Wieting, and Heather Lang
13 Scientific and social media impact of pharma sponsored research preprints – boon or bane? Amit Bhat and Kaushik Subramanian
Ethics and Standards
14 Assessment of incomplete conflict of interest disclosures in published primary manuscripts Steve Rizk, Michelle Seymour, Jay Wataranan, and Elizabeth Crane
15 Assessment of the AMWA-EMWA-ISMPP Joint Position Statement (JPS) and the role of professional medical writers: An online survey Ira Mills
16 Case reports on scientific misconduct with legal consequences in biomedical research (2009-2018) Lakshmi Kasthurirangan, Jyothi Ramanathan, Preethi Bheereddy, Madhavi Patil, and Vatsal Shah
17 Cross-sectional analysis of phase I clinical trial results disclosure and publication Ricardo Milho, Helen Bewicke-Copley, Ruth Le Fevre, Alex Pashley, and Jessica Patel
18 Investigating the reporting of patient comorbidities in clinical trials Elyse Viana, Disha Patel, Crystal Hanington, and Jessica Deckman
19 Journal implementation of International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) guidelines for data sharing statements Elizabeth Strickland, Denise Gurrera Myers, Jim Trinh, Beth Linder, Jessica Deckman, and Disha Patel
20 Preparation, update, and release of the ISMPP code-of-ethics Dikran Toroser, Laura Dormer, Shilpa Aggarwal, Kimberley Brooks, Mukund Nori, Tanya Stezhka, Jayme Trott, and Laura McCormick
21 Secondary publication writing: walking the tightrope between self-plagiarism and publication ethics Sangita P Patil, Madhavi Patil, and Vatsal Shah
22 Use of ‘subject’ vs ‘participant’ vs ‘patient’ in medical publications – is more guidance needed? Kim Brown, Anne Rusk, Hajira Koeller, Keith Gaddie, Marianne Jenal-Eyholzer, and Susan Wieting
Enhanced Communication
23 Enhanced content to accompany a peer-reviewed publication: a case study including 10 cardiovascular and diabetes journals Christine Markus, Neil Venn, and Susanne Ulm
24 Enhancing oral presentations: can animated videos engage viewers post-congress? Mary Richardson, Elin Pyke, Rachel Patel, Farah Dunlop, and Natasha Littleton
25 To hashtag or not to hashtag: what is the engagement?** Tamalette Loh, Lynda Chang, Elaine Wilson, and Robert Poole
26 Visual abstracts to disseminate research findings: an analysis of journals using #visualabstract on Twitter Tom Rees, Kelly Soady, and Laura Drought
27 US Food and Drug Administration’s social media usage guidelines: Are pharmaceutical companies compliant? Disha Dayal and Shaleen Multani
Patient Engagement
28 Case reports and patient experiences in medical journals – How much CARE for patients? Madhavi Patil, Himabindu Gutha, Priyanka Sharma, Sangita Patil, and Vatsal Shah
29 Development and use of two tools to facilitate and evaluate patient authorship Karen L Woolley, Lauri Arnstein, Anne-Marie Hamoir, Dawn Lobban, Richard Stephens, and Beverley Yamamoto
30 Increasing patient access to medical publications Holly C. Cappelli, Amanda C. Vreeland, Christopher Barnes, Hossein Torkabadi, Nicole Parker, and Shalini Murthy
31 Patient acknowledgements in oncology trial publications – a way to go (Encore) Matthew Booth, Natalie Dennis, Nichola Gokool, and Lisa Bullard
32 Patient involvement in medical journal review processes: an elusive goal Michael Pellegrino, Gemma McGregor, Gary Dever, and Claudia Piano
33 Patient involvement in the peer-review process: an investigation across therapy areas Claudia Piano, Gemma McGregor, Gary Dever, and Michael Pellegrino
Plain Language Summaries
34 Where are biomedical research article plain-language summaries (PLS)?** (Encore) Hannah FitzGibbon, Karen King, Ray Magee, Claudia Piano, Carol Wilk, and Mary Gaskarth
35 Developing plain language summaries of scientific congress abstracts – with patients, for patients: an expanded feasibility study Dheepa Chari, Karen Woolley, Margaret Gordon, Kris Schuler, Simon Stones, Anne Clare Wadsworth, Phil Matthews, and Lauri Arnstein
36 Availability of plain language summaries in biomedical journals: a case study in dermatology Valerie Moss, Maria Rapoport, and Neil Venn
37 Plain language summaries of publications: Addressing the HOW via a stakeholder survey and workshop*** Dawn Lobban, Lauri Arnstein, Anne-Clare Wadsworth, and Karen Woolley
38 Lay and plain-language summary trends in the medical literature Lisa M. Havran and Morgan C. Hill
39 Evaluation of plain-language summaries (PLS): optimising readability and format (Encore) Leia Martínez Silvagnoli, Jason Gardner, Caroline Shepherd, and James Pritchett
Open Access
40 Assessing the uptake and reach of open access publishing LaVerne A. Mooney and Brittany Wolf
41 Citation rates for open-access versus pay-to-access articles in clinical journals specialising in paediatric medicine (Encore) Moira A Hudson, Heather M Heerssen, Sheila M Curristin, and Alan Storey
42 Striking a balance: Open-access and data-sharing in ICMJE Journals Larisa Miller and Shweta Rane
Real World Evidence
43 Assessment of peer reviewers’ comments: case study from comparative effectiveness research (CER) studies Rob Coover, Manuela Di Fusco, Alyson Bexfield, Raya Mahbuba, and Michelle Kissner
44 Needs and challenges in communicating value of pharmaceuticals: a benchmarking survey Patti Peeples
45 Publishing patient registry manuscripts in journals with higher impact factors Nicky Dekker, Remon van den Broek, Jean Williams, Patrick Crowley, Victoria Edwards, Eva Polk, Tessa Hartog, Patricia Fonseca, Hester van Lier, and Anna Georgieva
46 Reporting of patient-reported outcomes in clinical trial publications Philip Sjostedt, Cindy Busch, Nicole Coolbaugh, and Susan Martin
47 US and EU patient registries in the peer-reviewed literature: a targeted review Amelia Frizell-Armitage, Sarah J. Clements, Julia Stevens, Helen Chambers, and Simon Foulcer
48 Usage of registry data and publication planning: a case study Nicholas Combates, Vrinda Mahajan, Jill Sanford, and Robert Matheis
49 Value frameworks and health technology assessment: Transparency in use of peer-reviewed publications Bansri Desai, T. Joseph Mattingly II, Remon van den Broek, and Eleanor M Perfetto

*Best Original Research Award, **Best in Visual Communication Award (tie), ***Best Practice Award

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ISMPP encourages members to publish and present research/information related to medical publications and scientific communications to advance the professions and improve standards and best practices. Please contact Anna Geraci, ISMPP Director of Communications, at, to share your publications and presentations in The MAP.