In 2017, The MAP newsletter introduced the membership to the ISMPP Global Transparency & Trends Committee (GTTC) – Committee Spotlight: Global Transparency Committee and Educational Series on Data and Financial Transparency – A Project of the Global Transparency Committee – which aims to keep members updated on recent developments and current best practices for data and financial transparency. One of the Committee remits was to better understand how members in small, medium, and large firms address the points of publications-related financial and data transparency within their respective companies. To accomplish this objective, the GTTC conducted anonymous surveys (no data on those taking the survey were collected) in 2018 at both the ISMPP 14th Annual Meeting (April 2018 – National Harbor, Maryland) and the inaugural ISMPP West meeting (October 2018 – San Diego, California).

Although similar in design and content, the two surveys varied slightly in order to better meet the anticipated demographics and mix of industry segments (pharmaceuticals, biotech, and medical device) for the respective meeting audiences. The survey conducted at the Annual Meeting was designed to identify the experience and scope of responsibility of members, whereas the survey at ISMPP West additionally focused on core aspects of financial and data transparency, such as how transfer of value is measured within member organizations.

The results of the two noted surveys have provided insights into a number of points important to ISMPP and the medical publications field:

  • The impact of the educational materials housed on the ISMPP website
  • Differences between regional ISMPP audiences
  • Topics perceived to hold great value for the respective ISMPP audience segments

As a means of rounding out the data being reviewed and analyzed, the GTTC survey on financial and data transparency will also be conducted at the upcoming ISMPP European Meeting (January 22-23, 2019 – London, United Kingdom). Members of the GTTC look forward to engaging attendees and to having numerous ISMPP members participate in the survey.

If you are attending the ISMPP European Meeting in London, kindly mark your diary to stop by the Global Transparency & Trends Committee table in the Exhibit Hall and take the member survey. Your participation is very welcome!

The composite data from all three events will be the subject of an abstract submitted to the ISMPP 15th Annual Meeting (April 15-17, 2019 – National Harbor, Maryland).