ISMPP has exceeded 1,600 members – a new milestone in record membership! With 1,602 members as of August 31, 2018, the Society experienced a 10.3% increase in its membership from one year prior when ISMPP had 1,452 members.

The main drivers of this growth were a strong increase in new applicants for the ISMPP Certified Medical Publication ProfessionalsTM (ISMPP CMPPTM) credential, record attendances at ISMPP’s 14th Annual Meeting this past spring and at the 2018 European Meeting in January, as well as the recent addition of the student membership offering. ISMPP’s membership also expanded geographically, with new members from Brazil, Israel, and Saudi Arabia.

So, what is the current breakdown of ISMPP’s membership?

  • Members from medical communication agencies (51%) and the pharmaceutical industry (39%) continue to comprise the majority of ISMPP’s membership (90%). Other members represent the publishing industry, academia, and technology companies. See Figure 1 below.

Figure 1. ISMPP Membership Trends by Sector

  • The majority of ISMPP members reside in North America (61%), and a large number reside in the United Kingdom (22%) or other parts of Europe (7%). Membership is increasing in the Asia Pacific region, which accounts for 9% of ISMPP’s membership. See Figure 2 below.

Figure 2. ISMPP’s Global Membership

  • Focusing on the Asia Pacific region, ISMPP has seen a steady rise in memberships over the past 10 years. Since adopting an Associate Member option for Asia Pacific residents in late 2012, ISMPP has seen upwards of a three-fold increase in its Asia Pacific membership, from 46 members in 2013 to more than 150 members for this year. (See Figure 3 below.) Most Asia Pacific members come from Japan (53), Australia/New Zealand (39), India (24), China (18), and Singapore (12).

Figure 3. ISMPP’s Asia Pacific Membership

As presented at the 14th Annual Meeting in May 2018, ISMPP is pursuing a Future Vision Strategy that includes an expansion of our Society’s geographic footprint and a broadening of new types of members for the organization. Look for updates on ISMPP’s progress with its Future Vision Strategy in upcoming releases of The MAP newsletter.