The second Asia Pacific Meeting of ISMPP, held September 5, 2017, in Tokyo, Japan, was attended by over 125 individuals from 10 countries. Attendees represented a diverse group, including the pharmaceutical industry, medical communication companies, academia, journal editors/publishers, and government.

The program for this one-day meeting centered on the theme, Navigating Our Future, with its goal to increase understanding of recent developments in medical publications, and provide practical insights and advice into regional and international best practices. International and local faculty presented in sessions that complemented this theme.

The meeting program featured interactive roundtable case studies and panel discussions, providing attendees the opportunity to build their own experience by navigating challenging cases under the guidance of peers and hearing different perspectives on possible approaches. Participants were also able to network with regional and global colleagues, and discuss best practices to manage difficult issues and situations in their day-to-day work.

“The Asia Pacific Meeting was an important achievement for ISMPP in the region, and built on the successes of the Asia Pacific Meetings in Beijing and Tokyo in 2015,” said Al Weigel, ISMPP’s President and CEO.

The informative program agenda covered the following topics:

  • A keynote address by Christine Laine, MD, MPH, Editor-in-Chief of Annals of Internal Medicine, that focused on “GPP and Other Guidelines: An Editor’s Perspective.”
  • The “Pubs 2020 – Further, Faster, Stronger” session discussed major trends affecting the publications sector, both internationally and regionally, and how to ensure ethical and effective publication practices are utilized in light of these trends.
  • The “Surviving Peer Review” session, featuring Professor Wilfred Peh, President of the Asia Pacific Association of Medical Journal Editors (APAME), shared information and insights on the peer review process at journals, and described the different models of peer review.
  • The “Meeting in the Middle: Global-Affiliate Collaboration in Medical Publications” session identified barriers and outlined methods to establish effective working relationships when developing medical publications, as well as building global support for publication needs in the Asia Pacific region.
  • A closing address by Al Weigel, President and CEO of ISMPP, presented information on “Staying Up to Date: The Role of ISMPP in APAC and Beyond,” sharing insights on the Society and the future of medical publications.

An Asia Pacific Meeting Archive of session presentations is posted in the Member Center of the ISMPP website, which is available for personal, non-commercial use.

Thank You!

ISMPP would like to extend a special thank you to the exhibitors, sponsors, and media partners of the Asia Pacific Meeting for their generous support of the Society, and to the Asia Pacific Program Committee for its dedicated efforts to a successful meeting in the region!


Asia Pacific Program Committee

Martine Docking, Chair
Elvira D’Souza, Vice Chair
Yukti Bharwani
Sushmita Bhattacharya
Gary Burd
Jake Burrell
Ezinne Chibueze
Stephen Griffiths
Mieko Hamana
Blair Hesp
Caryn Jones
Yuko Kojima

Bhakti Kshatriya
Nicole Lade
Lin Lin
Jodie Madden
Satomi Maukaide
Julie Newman
Andrew Sakko
Aya Tokaji
Claire Tsai
Karen Woolley
James Yip
Eric Yu