ISMPP is pleased to share these recent publications and presentations by Society members. We encourage our members to publish and present research and information related to publishing practices to advance the medical publications profession, and improve standards and best practices.

International Clinical Trials Devotes Special Edition to Medical Writing

A special edition of International Clinical Trials (ICT) journal, titled “Medical Writing – The Backbone of Clinical Development,” was released in February 2017. Forewords by leaders from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and European Medicines Agency (EMA) highlight the importance of good medical writing, and set the stage for various topics covered in this 84-page issue, including:

  • The Need for, and Benefit of, Good Medical Writing
  • Writing for Different Audiences
  • Getting Clinical Research Results Published
  • Medical Publication Managers: Are Your Publications Future-Proof and Audit-Proof?
  • Improving Statistical Reporting in Medical Journals
  • Clinical Trial Disclosure and Transparency: Ongoing Developments on the Need to Disclose Clinical Data
  • Managing or Outsourcing Your Medical Writing

Karen Woolley co-authored the article on “Medical Publication Managers: Are Your Publications Future-Proof and Audit-Proof?” The article describes tools, techniques, and technology that can help medical publication managers address the challenge of “getting the results of clinical research out to targeted health professionals in an effective, efficient, and compliant manner.” Click here to access the article.

“Good Publication Practice for Communicating Company-Sponsored Medical Research: GPP3” Published in World Medical Journal

An article titled, ““Good Publication Practice for Communicating Company-Sponsored Medical Research: GPP3,” authored by Yvonne Yarker, was published in the World Medical Journal (WMJ) in March 2017.

This invited article outlines the history of Good Publication Practice (GPP) guidelines and the development of GPP3. It also summarizes the recommendations in GPP3, as well as ongoing activities. WMJ is the official journal of the World Medical Association (WMA), and has an international medical audience. Click here to access the article.

A New Future for Medical Communications Presented at MAPS Annual Meeting

Rob Matheis presented a forward-looking keynote address titled, “This is Not Your Father’s Oldsmobile: Driving Medical Communications Toward a New Future,” at the inaugural Medical Affairs Professional Society (MAPS) Annual Meeting, June 20-22, 2017, in National Harbor, Maryland, USA.

The presentation emphasized that Medical Communications is at a critical turning point in its evolution, and that Medical Affairs professionals “must leverage opportunities and drive toward a new future.” Five near-term areas of focus raised during the presentation were:

  1. The need for integration and alignment across Medical Affairs, and to act on opportunities for synergy within Medical Communications
  2. Use of broad scientific platforms that contain validated and measurable scientific statements
  3. A focus on impactful strategy tactics that drive toward true outcomes, such as enhanced health decision making
  4. Integration of market access and real world evidence into aligned communication plans that address specific needs of the payer audience
  5. Recognition of patients as health care decision makers and the need to consider patients as a component of communication planning

Members are invited to notify ISMPP when they publish or present information related to the Society or medical publications, as a basis to share with ISMPP’s membership. Please contact Anna Geraci, ISMPP’s Director of Communications, at