ISMPP is pleased to introduce its distinguished keynote speakers for our 13th Annual Meeting, May 1-3, 2017, at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center, National Harbor, MD, USA. The enlightening keynote presentations will address various cutting-edge topics in medical publications, including data sharing and reporting of results from clinical trials, health economics and real world evidence, and insights into the current political environment in relation to healthcare.

Deborah A. Zarin, MD, Director of, in the National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), will serve as the keynote speaker on Monday, May 1.

In her position, Dr. Zarin has played a major role in developing and implementing the key legal and policy mandates for clinical trial reporting. She also provided scientific leadership for the creation of the first structured public database for the reporting of summary trial results.

Dr. Zarin’s recent research has focused on the quality of trial reporting, as well as issues in the design and analysis of clinical trials. Her previous positions included Director of the Technology Assessment Program at the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and Director of the Practice Guidelines program at the American Psychiatric Association. Dr. Zarin is the author of over 80 peer-reviewed articles.

Kay Dickersin, PhD, Professor and Director for the Center for Clinical Trials and Evidence Synthesis, Department of Epidemiology, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins, and Director of the US Cochrane Center (USCC), will present the keynote address on Tuesday, May 2.

In her role at Johns Hopkins, Dr. Dickersin is involved in methodologic research related to clinical trials and evidence synthesis ( At the USCC, she serves as Director of one of 13 Centers worldwide participating in The Cochrane Collaboration (, which aims to help people make well-informed decisions about health by preparing, maintaining, and promoting the accessibility of systematic reviews of available evidence on the benefits and risks of healthcare.

Dr. Dickersin is a data-sharing advocate who has received numerous honors and awards, including the Ingram Olkin Award from the Society for Research Synthesis Methods in 2014 for lifetime contributions to the field, Valkhof Chair at the Radboud Univerity Nijmegen Medical Centre in The Netherlands in 2013, and an Elected Fellow at the Society for Clinical Trials in 2011.

Patti Peeples, RPh, PhD, Founder and CEO, HealthEconomics.Com, and Principal Researcher, HE Institute, will be the keynote speaker on Wednesday, May 3.

Dr. Peeples keynote talk – Snatched from the Headlines! Establishing and Defending Pharmaceutical Value Based on Evidence (and What a Publication Professional Should Know) – will draw upon cases from the current headlines to showcase contemporary approaches to health economic assessment of medical interventions, and describe the essential components to value assessment that are important to publication professionals.

The author of over 200 publications and creator of two businesses, Dr. Peeples is considered a pioneer in using the internet and digital media for communication and marketing in the health economics field. In her role at HealthEconomics.Com (, Dr. Peeples is currently building a collaborative website setting that serves as the primary news, information, and networking resource for the healthcare value industry.

Thomas Sullivan, President of Rockpointe Corporation, and Editor of Policy and Medicine, will give the closing keynote address on Wednesday, May 3.

Mr. Sullivan is a former political consultant who founded Rockpointe, Inc., a bio-medical education company, in 1995. He is Editor of the popular website Policy and Medicine (, which covers regulatory and compliance issues affecting the pharmaceutical and device industries. Mr. Sullivan is also one of the founders of the Association of Clinical Researchers and Educators, a non-profit education foundation dedicated to showing the value of industry-physician relationships.

Mr. Sullivan’s keynote talk – Update on Healthcare Reforms’ Impact on Publications: It’s Going to Be Huge!!!! – will share insights about the current political environment and anticipated changes on the healthcare front, as well as hot topics for those who work in communicating and publishing scientific data.